Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sugar Makes a Wednesday Sweeter

So - tonight was just a regular Wednesday night - but I decided to whip up some cupcakes for a friend's two daughters...why not? Its already 7:30!!
I tried a new Italian Buttercream recipe, that I found on youtube last night ...but as I added the butter, my icing went chunky....gross...and I don't know why....but being a 'non-waster' I just added a ton of icing sugar to save the day! haha...
Anyways - created some quick and girlie cupcakes that tasted better than they looked!
But hold on...these weren't pretty enough - so I added some sprinklers to make them super glamorous for a 9 & 12 year old :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

OMG - My first blog entry

WOW - how excited am I? I read blogs, subscribe and learn from other people's blogs - but now its my turn. I'm oddly excited to be honest - but here I go!

When I was a little girl - I had always been fascinated by baking...from my Easy Bake Oven to the Cake Walks at our church teas. My mom always made fun cakes for us for our special occasions (bunnies, treasure chests, Strawberry Shortcake, trains...the list goes on) and I think her dedication to creating that "aww" reaction is what I have in me. I love seeing people's "aww" reaction when I have created something cute and fun. Makes me feel good...

For about a year now, I've been playing cake chef for my children and our friends. My daughter calls me "Bakers Man" (from Paddicake). And so, with the support of an amazing husband and 3 well behaved babies - I have finally decided to make it official and launch a small hobby business to creating cakes, of course the newest trend of cupcakery :) and the cute little CakePops that Bakerella made so widely popular :)

I also need to explain that I am 100% self taught through the school of "Youtube". If I can't figure out a technique - I'll pull up and find someone more professional than myself demonstrating EXACTLY what I need to know.

My head is completely full of ideas, and my fingers and eyes are sore from surfing the Internet for new ideas for both cakes and cupcakes.

And so, I will make this entry short. Its time for good night...